FREE RETIREMENT OF YOUR DREAMS VIDEO: Let US show you how WE can EMPOWER you to create the Retirement of Your Dreams !

FREE RETIREMENT OF YOUR DREAMS CALL: When you book your call with US today, you'll discover the exact steps to creating the Retirement of Your Dreams FASTER!

What if you have one of those giant shortfalls during your retirement due to needing long-term care or not having a plan for inflation?

In today’s video, we’ll touch on 3 strategic points that I don’t like to discuss because they’re not pleasant, but they’re critical to securing your money so you can create the Retirement Of Your Dreams.

Hi, I'm Jason Bergquist, the founder of RetirementOfYourDreams.com.

Welcome to Part 2 of a 3-part Video Series about securing your money for the Retirement Of Your Dreams.

Also, if you missed Part 1, click HERE to catch up!

Today, we're discussing how math can make a big difference in your retirement. We'll explore these three key points:

1. Using a retirement of your dreams expert and why it's essential.
2. The concept of guaranteed income for life, which can adapt to your expenses.
3. Facing the challenging truths when the numbers tell us so.

Let me introduce myself if we still need to meet. I'm Jason Bergquist!

I empower individuals and families to create the Retirement Of Their dreams.

I've been doing this for over 20 years through the ups and downs of the markets.

My whole goal is to help educate people.

Empower them to understand how to set up the retirement of their dreams and bring hope back into their lives.

I realized this was my calling in 2010 when I was going through a divorce. At that time, I was financially low, and I realized that I wasn't practicing what I preached.

So, I committed to practicing what I preached and became an Independent Financial Professional and a Certified Financial Fiduciary.

This experience allowed me to always do what's in my clients' best interests.

Now, I have a team of experts helping me figure out all of the best options that are out there to empower you to create the Retirement Of Your Dreams.

Again, we're starting with Part 2 of a 3-part Video Series: Money Security to Create the Retirement Of Your Dreams.

In this series, we'll talk about:

1. Using a retirement of your dreams expert and why it's essential
2. The concept of guaranteed income for life, which can adapt to your expenses.
3. Facing the challenging truths when the numbers tell us so.

Let's dive into these crucial topics.

1. Using a Retirement Of Your Dreams Expert And Why It's Essential.

This is crucial because, without a Retirement Of Your Dreams expert, you're making guesses about your retirement, and let's be honest, leaving your retirement to guesswork isn't the plan.

In the past, many people followed a "buy-and-hold strategy." It meant purchasing stocks in your 401k and holding onto them, hoping they would grow over time, allowing you to live off the increasing funds.

But today, it's more like a "buy-and-hope strategy." You know what I mean if you've experienced the economic downturns of the early 2000s, the 2008 crash, and COVID-19.

To remove the guesswork, consider working with a Retirement Of Your Dreams expert to ensure your financial security well into the future.

We make sure you never run out of money, regardless of how long you live.

Let me share a story about Jim and Heather, a couple I met in their early fifties, planning to retire in their late fifties.

They had some savings and retirement goals but needed a solid plan. So, I provided them with a Retirement Of Your Dreams Plan based on math, science, and facts—no guesswork involved.

We can help you avoid future financial shortfalls.

As time passes, expenses go up.

Think about how much your first car cost compared to your first home or how gas prices have changed.

To ensure your expenses are covered in the future, you need a well-mapped plan, not guesswork.

To create your Retirement Of Your Dreams Plan, schedule a Free Retirement Of Your Dreams Call with me or one of my team members by clicking HERE.

Fill out the Retirement Of Your Dreams Assessment to get started.

This plan will serve as a roadmap to guide your financial decisions.

Jim and Heather's experience demonstrates how following this process and using my 9-Step Retirement Of Your Dreams Blueprint can lead to financial security in retirement.

They carefully considered their life scenarios and adjusted their plan accordingly.

2. The concept of guaranteed income for life, which can adapt to your expenses.

Now, let's dive into the idea of a guaranteed income for life.

This income increases with your expenses, which is a fantastic benefit. But there's a significant concern regarding the need for long-term care.

We won't discuss that in detail today, but I have a video that delves deeper into long-term care, what it entails, and how to prepare for it.

You can click HERE to watch it for more information.

Having a plan in place is essential because, without one, you may find yourself in a tricky situation when you need additional funds in the future.

When unexpected costs arise, or you face a large lump sum payment, you need to know where the money will come from.

Otherwise, you might be in a tough spot.

This leads us to a common question with retirees:

What if I run out of money?

If that happens, what's the backup plan?

Do you want to go back to work?

Consider if your skills are still relevant in today's workforce.

Some retirees take up part-time jobs, and that's perfectly fine if it's a choice. I've seen older folks working at places like Walmart or a ballpark because they enjoy staying active.

However, the situation is entirely different if you're forced to work in your late seventies or early eighties due to financial shortfalls. It's better to have a plan in place from the start.

This brings us to the second step in securing guaranteed income for life.

Don't find yourself in a situation like Rhonda's, where you realize too late that your retirement plan wasn't adequately prepared. We need to address these issues well in advance.

Sometimes, people don't consider retirement planning early enough.

The things we should have done three, four, five, or even ten years ago often get overlooked. But don't worry ...

... it's never too late to start planning better!

No matter your financial situation or your age, there are steps we can take now to secure the Retirement Of Your Dreams and prevent any financial shortfalls.

We can put the right strategies in place to ensure you have a solid plan for the future, covering all the changes and unexpected expenses life might throw your way.

Now, let's talk about something that's not always easy but essential – facing the brutal financial truths.

3. Facing the challenging truths when the numbers tell us so.

I have to admit, this is my least favorite part of my job. Sometimes, when we look at the numbers and facts, it's clear that some difficult decisions must be made. But I'm here to help you find solutions.

Nobody wants to hear that they might need to make one of three challenging choices:

1. Work longer than expected.

2. Live on a tighter budget in retirement.

3. Adjust or postpone some of your big plans.

I certainly don't want to be the bearer of these not-so-great scenarios, but sometimes, it's necessary to discuss them.

I recommend you watch the Baby Boomer Dilemma movie event to get a clearer picture of these challenges.

Click HERE to Schedule a Free Retirement of Your Dreams Call, and you’ll receive this vital resource as a gift!

It provides a real-life perspective on those who faced these issues and how they navigated them.

Do you need to extend your working years?

Or perhaps you'll need to adjust your retirement budget. Maybe some of your grand plans need rethinking.

This is why I spend a lot of time understanding your goals and dreams. With the right planning, we can ensure you don't face these tough choices in retirement.

I've heard from many people who feel their retirement plan is non-existent or that they'll have to work indefinitely. They can't see a way to stop working and enjoy the retirement they want.

But there's hope. I recently helped my son-in-law, who is 30 years old, and my married daughter, who is 21, set up their retirement plans.

It's never too early to start securing your future.

You can start the process sooner rather than later, and that's an essential step.

I can assist you or your family, even your kids or grandkids, in putting plans in place that can make a significant difference in their financial future.

To recap, in today's video, we covered Part 2 of my 3-part Video Series: Money Security To Create The Retirement Of Your Dreams, focusing on:

1. Using a retirement of your dreams expert and why it's essential.
2. The concept of guaranteed income for life, which can adapt to your expenses.
3. Facing the challenging truths when the numbers tell us so.

Now that you understand the importance of confronting these financial facts ...

... I encourage you to request a FREE Retirement of Your Dreams Call to learn more by clicking HERE.

Tune in next week for Part 3 of this series on Money Security, where we'll explore your best options further.

In the meantime, check out my Free Video to discover my 9-step Retirement Of Your Dreams™ Blueprint by clicking HERE.

Thank you for considering Retirement of Your Dreams as your partner in your financial journey!

What was the most important lesson you took away from this week's video? Let me know in the comments section below.

I’m Jason Bergquist.

Empowering you to create the Retirement Of Your Dreams!

Jason Bergquist
Jason Bergquist

Jason Bergquist has worked in the financial services since the year 2000. Building a business, teaching and educating families has become his passion. “Empowering You To Create The Retirement Of Your Dreams!” Jason lives in Riverton, UT with his wife Stacey and their 5 kids.