Hi, my name is Jason Bergquist, I’m a Certified Financial Fiduciary and an Independent Financial Professional.

Why do I say that?

Well, I bring that up because today we’re going to talk about the market. I have been educating people and helping people with their finances since the year 2000.

Most of the time I have been independent. But I have spent some time working for one of the big companies out there.

I worked at Merrill Lynch. I got the education and understanding about the markets. It gave me some really good insight on how to help my clients. I was NOT a fan of the way things were structured or how things work there.

And so, I became independent. And being independent allows me to be the middleman. It allows me to help you find what it is that you’re looking for.

I have taken all of this information and education and have shared it with people over the past 20 plus years. I’ve really honed my expertise into a couple of things.

Well, I focus specifically on distribution:

How do we make sure that you don’t outlive your money?

You have financial professionals that have helped you grow your money, use the market, understand the market, get the biggest and best gains that you could possibly get.

But when you’re looking at retirement, you have to look at it completely different, right?

There are so many terms and so many phrases that you’ve probably all heard such as Variable Investments versus Fixed or Guaranteed versus an Index Investment.

What do we do about Inflation? I mean, if we can’t keep up with Inflation and Taxes, our money is not even growing, we’re actually going backwards.

Maybe you’ve heard the phrase Monte Carlo simulations?

All these different phrases that you hear when we’re watching TV or talking to the different financial experts on what do I do? How do I see my Returns? What are my Gains?

Well, you know what?

A lot of that, when we go into retirement, is thrown out the door.

Do you want to grow your money?

Of course, you want to grow your money, but in retirement, growth is not the number one thing you need to be focused on.

We need to be focused on that guaranteed income for life. And why does that help us?

Well, because if you have guaranteed income coming in for the rest of your life, we are not basing your retirement and your income off of the market.

So, if the market is going crazy. And it’s going up! Of course, you want to get some of those gains when the market is going up.

But what if you could avoid any of those downturns? If we didn’t have to worry about the crashes, I think that’s peace of mind.

And then as I talk with my clients, I work with them, my number one goal is to make sure they don’t lose their money.

One of the wealthiest and most productive investors of all time, Warren Buffett says, “rule number one is never lose money.”

Rule number two, “don’t forget rule number one!” Pretty simple, right? We never want to lose money. And then when you’re in retirement, it’s even more important.

Because … guess what?

In retirement, if you aren’t working and you don’t have a paycheck coming in, you still have expenses, right?

Even if your house is paid off, you still have maintenance, utilities and Taxes…. You always have money that’s going out well into retirement.

We want to make sure that you have enough money coming in every single month, no matter what, to make sure you have the funds that are going out to cover those expenses.

So, how do we make sure that we don’t deal with any of these market crashes?

Well, when I say the word guarantee, that’s not usually a word that you hear in the financial world, right?

Nothing is guaranteed.

Well, that’s not necessarily true. There are some guarantees that are out there. Guarantees that you really need to take a look at …

… and you really need to understand.

And really the guarantee you want is a guarantee that you’re NOT going to lose money. You’re not going to be going backwards.

Now, a lot of times when you hear the word guarantee, the first thing that pops into your mind, when thinking of your investments …

… Is, well, sure. I mean, it’s guaranteed.

If I put it in a safe, it’s guaranteed.

If I put it under my mattress, it’s guaranteed.

If I put it in a savings account or if I have it in the bank.

It’s guaranteed.

Well, maybe.

But what we’re talking about when it comes to ‘guaranteed’ is we want to make sure we’re not going backwards in income.

But like I said, earlier, inflation is going up, right? Cost of things are going up. So, if we’re not able to cover inflation and taxes, we’re actually going backwards.

What you could buy 20 years ago versus what you can buy today with the same amount of money just doesn’t work, right?

If we simply look at the cost of gas today, with all the inflation going on here, we are in the middle of 2021, we just went through the pandemic …

… and we saw one of these crazy market crashes.

Then we saw this crazy market return and who knows what kind of market crashes are coming but that inflation has just been through the roof.

So, we want to make sure that not only do you have a guarantee that you can’t lose money …

… you want to make sure that you have a guarantee on what you have coming in as your income every single month …

… and that income has the ability to earn and grow …

… and to move up so that if you have a thousand dollars a month coming in today …

… you won’t still have a thousand dollars a month coming into you in 20 years from now.

In that case you’ve gone backwards, right?

We need that thousand dollars to go up.

So, whether that’s done through social security,

… whether that’s done through a pension,

… whether that’s done through a fixed indexed annuity

… or through Cash Value Life Insurance.

Whatever those different options are for you, I want to be able to help you look and think outside the box. And not think that you’re only going to get what the market is, whether it’s good or whether it’s bad.

We need to take an overall picture; Understand your situation, Understand your goals.

What is your goal for retirement?

My tagline with my company is helping you create the retirement of your dreams.

And I want to empower you with that information. Help you look outside the box, so you are not only focused on whether the market goes up or down …

The worst thing you can do is be reliant on the money that’s in the market.

And you have to pull money out every single month to live on.

If that market is crashing, but you still have to take money out …

… the worst thing you can do is take money out of an investment that is going down.

If you can buy and hold, sure. Over enough years, that money is going to come back. But if you need that money to live on, it doesn’t matter if the market’s up or if the market’s down, you’re pulling money out of it every single month.

So, in order to make sure you have enough money even if the market crashes … what do you have to do?

You have to be very strategic in how much money you have in the market.

You have to be very strategic if the market crashes …

I want you to figure out what your goals are.

I want to go over those goals with you.

In the links below, you can to go to other videos I’ve created.

There is a Free Webinar. In that free webinar, I’m going to take you through a few steps, one through five.

These steps will help you figure out what it is you need to do to create the right plan for your retirement.

Remember …

I help my clients answer questions like:

What is the percentage I need to pull out of my funds monthly?

What are my different bucket options?

Where are my investments? How are they Taxed?

So, I encourage you to click the link below to download documents, then go and register for my Free Webinar and when you’re ready …

… go ahead and schedule a Retirement of Your Dreams Call.

We’ll talk you through the different options. There’s a couple of other documents that’ll allow you to look at your situation, figure out where you’re at and where it is that you want to be.

And then let’s get together.

I’m not saying that you shouldn’t have any money in the market.

I’m not saying that there’s a certain percentage that you should have in the market.

Everybody’s situation is different.

And as we look at your situation and we understand what it is that you’ve done in the past, what it is that you like, what is it you don’t like …

… I’ll give you information, educate you, help you think outside the box and maybe you’ll look at something that you haven’t looked at before.

And then depending on where we’re at with that, we can definitely figure out how much you do or don’t want to have in the market …

How aggressive you want to be?

Are you jumping into cryptocurrency?

Are you worried about the tax law changes?

Are you worried about capital gains and what’s or not?

There’s a lot of different places to look and I want to help you figure out where you’re at.

I want to help you create the Retirement of Your Dreams. You’ll understand what the best options are so you make sure you don’t outlive your money.

I look forward to talking with you. I can’t wait to talk and understand your situation. And empower you to create the retirement of your dreams!

Next Steps:

1. Click here to download documents

2. Click here to register for our FREE Webinar

3. Click here to schedule your FREE Retirement of Your Dream Call

Jason Bergquist
Jason Bergquist

Jason Bergquist has worked in the financial services since the year 2000. Building a business, teaching and educating families has become his passion. “Empowering You To Create The Retirement Of Your Dreams!” Jason lives in Riverton, UT with his wife Stacey and their 5 kids.