FREE RETIREMENT OF YOUR DREAMS VIDEO: Let US show you how WE can EMPOWER you to create the Retirement of Your Dreams !

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In today’s video, we’ll touch on how to redistribute your wealth so you can secure your money to create the Retirement Of Your Dreams.

Hi, I'm Jason Bergquist, the founder of RetirementOfYourDreams.com.

Welcome to Part 3 of a 3-part Video Series about securing your money for the Retirement Of Your Dreams.

Also, if you missed Part 1, click HERE, OR IF YOU MISSED PART 2, CLICK HERE, to catch up!

We'll cover:

1. Evaluating what you are currently doing.
2. Recommendations for changes that can enhance your financial security.
3. Strategies for increasing the probability of never running out of money and never experiencing a financial shortfall.

Let me tell you a bit about me if we haven't met yet.

I've been empowering people to create the Retirement Of Their Dreams for over 20 years.

Let me introduce myself if we still need to meet. I'm Jason Bergquist!

I empower individuals and families to create the Retirement Of Their dreams.

I've been doing this for over 20 years through the ups and downs of the markets.

My whole goal is to help educate people.

Empower them to understand how to set up the retirement of their dreams and bring hope back into their lives.

I realized this was my calling in 2010 when I was going through a divorce. At that time, I was financially low, and I realized that I wasn't practicing what I preached.

So, I committed to practicing what I preached and became an Independent Financial Professional and a Certified Financial Fiduciary.

This experience allowed me to always do what's in my clients' best interests.

Now, I have a team of experts helping me figure out all of the best options that are out there to empower you to create the Retirement Of Your Dreams.

Again, we're starting with Part 3 of a 3-part Video Series: Money Security to Create the Retirement Of Your Dreams.

We're going to look at three things:

1. Evaluating what you are currently doing.
2. Recommendations for changes that can enhance your financial security.
3. Strategies for increasing the probability of never running out of money and never experiencing a financial shortfall.

Let's dive into these crucial topics.

1. Evaluating what you are currently doing.

We've talked about this before, but we will explore it in more detail.

This is a big deal because what if you're not doing the best things with your money?

There are good, better, and best ways to handle your money. I'm happy you're doing something with your money, even if it's just a little bit.

But maybe there are some things you can do to make it even better.

For example, think about how your work plan is set up.

I know we've already passed the time for open enrollment this year, but we can plan for next year.

Think about how your company matches your 401k.

Are there better options for your money?

If you're putting more money into your 401k than your company matches, maybe you should consider putting that extra cash elsewhere where it can grow better.

I'll tell you a little story.

In almost every situation I've come across, there's always something we can do to make your plan better.

Sometimes, these are tiny changes because many people I work with already have good plans. I just helped someone recently, and they had a great plan with many good things.

But because this is my job, and I have a team of retirement experts, we're always learning new things.

There are ways to improve even if you already have a great plan.

Remember, something is better than nothing. That's why we encourage you to meet with us.
There's no cost to meet with us.

You can discover where you might be missing out by talking to a Retirement Of Your Dreams expert like us.

We can see what small changes might make things even better.

So, what can you do?

First, check how your current investments are set up.

Then, send that information to us.

Schedule a Free Retirement Of Your Dreams Call with us so we can figure out what changes would be best for you.

Even if retirement is still a long way off, like 10, 12, or 15 years down the road, there are still things you can do now to make your future better.

2. Recommendations for changes that can enhance your financial security.

This is important because imagine if we could show you a way to have a better life when you retire.

Think about creating the retirement of your dreams just by making a few changes to what you're doing right now.

We're not talking about saving less or spending less money. We want to talk about having more, about living well in the future. We want to think about what life could be like in the future.

I'm not telling you to save more or spend less, although that could be part of the plan.

I want to talk about making some adjustments to what you're currently doing. It's like moving money from one pocket to another, not necessarily adding more.

Let me explain it with a story like in the last video.

Let's use Jim and Heather as an example. Jim is 55, Heather is 52, and we're helping them with their money.

They plan to have $150,000 a year in retirement but want to spend only $120,000 a year.

They've invested a million dollars in various accounts, and they're still adding $30,000 yearly to build their retirement savings.

When we met them, we looked at what I always talk about - ensuring you have a guaranteed income for life!

Currently, they only have Social Security as a secure income source.

So, we suggested moving around $300,000 from their existing investments to create another income source besides Social Security.

This could be done in different ways, such as investing in a cash-value life insurance plan that provides tax-free income in the future or moving to a fixed-income annuity with a guaranteed payout.

Their current investments are in taxable or tax-deferred accounts, meaning they're either paying taxes on their gains yearly or deferring them to the future.

We're working on getting them into the 0% tax bracket during retirement to keep more money in their pockets.

Jim and Heather were investing an extra $30,000 each year to build their nest egg for the future.

We suggest moving that $30,000 into an investment that provides tax-free income. That way, they won't have to worry about future tax rates.

Now, let's talk about dealing with the ups and downs of the stock market.

Sometimes, these market swings can affect when you can retire. We call this "the retirement red zone," the five years before and after you retire.

I'll talk more about this in the future, but the idea is to reduce risk as you get closer to retirement.
Jim and Heather had all their money, a million dollars, exposed to the stock market.

We suggested moving this money into income sources with a safety net, meaning their money won't decrease if the market dives.

Comparing their current plan with our suggestions, we can create a plan that addresses potential shortfalls and provides a roadmap for you to follow.

When you schedule your Free Retirement Of Your Dreams Call, we'll give you the Retirement Of Your Dreams Asset sheet to start planning your retirement.

You can fill it out, and we can create a plan together.

3. Strategies for increasing the probability of never running out of money and never experiencing a financial shortfall.

This is crucial because nobody wants to face the possibility of returning to work or becoming a burden on their family in retirement.

The last thing anyone plans for retirement is to return to work or rely on their children.

Unfortunately, we all know someone who has experienced this situation, and we understand how difficult and distressing it can be.

It's a terrible way to spend your retirement if you don't have the financial means to maintain your desired lifestyle.

We want to avoid those scenarios as much as possible.

The goal is to have a plan that can accommodate unexpected changes in the future, like inflation, long-term care needs, early or late retirement, market crashes, and health issues.

Your plan should be flexible enough to handle all of these scenarios.

This video covers Part 3 of a 3-part series on Money Security To Create the Retirement Of Your Dreams. We discussed:

1. Evaluating what you are currently doing.
2. Recommendations for changes that can enhance your financial security.
3. Strategies for increasing the probability of never running out of money and never experiencing a financial shortfall.

You can click the links above if you haven't seen Parts 1 and 2 of the series.

Now that you've learned the importance of addressing these financial facts ...

... I encourage you to request a FREE Retirement of Your Dreams Call to learn more by clicking HERE ...

... Get started on your personalized retirement plan.

This video concludes the Money Security series, but we'll return with more valuable insights next week.

In the meantime, check out my Free Video to discover my 9-step Retirement Of Your Dreams™ Blueprint by clicking HERE.

Thank you for considering Retirement of Your Dreams as your partner in your financial journey.

What was the most important lesson you took away from this week's video? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments section below.

I'm Jason Bergquist.

Empowering you to create the Retirement Of Your Dreams!

Jason Bergquist
Jason Bergquist

Jason Bergquist has worked in the financial services since the year 2000. Building a business, teaching and educating families has become his passion. “Empowering You To Create The Retirement Of Your Dreams!” Jason lives in Riverton, UT with his wife Stacey and their 5 kids.