Hi, my name is Jason Bergquist. And today we’re going to talk about transitioning into retirement. A little bit about me first. I’ve been in the financial services industry since 2000. I am independent.

Independent means I sit in the middle, like a broker, where I can go out and find whatever it is you’re looking for. I’m not tied to a certain company. I’m not tied to a certain product.

If you’ve tried things and didn’t like them, we can find other products. If you’re not sure what’s out there, I can go do the research and look for you.

Why is that important to you?

Well, it’s important because I’ve been in this industry for over 20 years now. I’ve worked for other companies and I’ve worked underneath umbrellas of big groups. I spent time at Merrill Lynch.

And although Merrill Lynch is a big company that offers everything under the sun, there’s still a lot of restrictions on what they can do and how they can do it.

I’m not only independent and am here as a certified financial fiduciary for you.

But I have spent the time trying to figure out what I can do to help you create the retirement of your dreams.

You have a lot of different financial professionals out there.

And a lot of them focus on what they can do to get your money up to a certain dollar amount before you decide that you’re going to move into retirement. And that’s great!

Everybody needs someone who’s going to help them, guide them, show them and work with them to grow those assets. But when we start looking at retirement, it’s time for a different expert or adding another expert. And what I mean by that is you’re now looking for a distribution expert.

What do I mean by distribution expert?

Well, at this point, it’s now time to shift our mindset; think a little bit differently than what maybe you’ve been thinking about all along.

As I talk to people every single day, this is a big mindset shift because a lot of people say, “Jason, I don’t know if I have enough retirement?”

And I ask them: “Well, why do you think that?”

And it almost always comes back to, “Well, I don’t think I have enough money saved up to get me through my retirement years.

And I follow up with… I have a series of questions that go through why they think that or what they’re looking at, or what their goals are?”

And I’d love to sit down with you sometime and cover these same questions with you, individually, because everyone’s situation, plan or goal is different.

But one thing that’s the same for everybody is shifting this mindset of, “I don’t have this net number or

this big-huge overarching dollar amount that I have saved into this account (whatever retirement account you might have or thinking about) that’s going to last me the rest of my life.”

And again, as I do follow up questions, most people don’t know what that number is:

How much do I need?

How long is it going to last?

We just have this feeling in our stomach, right?”

This sickness in our gut that says I don’t have enough! 

Well, we’re going to shift that mindset. And we’re not necessarily going to focus on what is this big-huge overarching 401k or IRA, total dollar amount that I’ve saved???

We’re going to shift this mindset into, “How much do I have coming in every single month? How much of that is guaranteed every single month?

No matter what the market does. No matter what the economy does. No matter if our government goes further into debt. No matter if taxes go up.

No matter if I get sick. No matter if there’s another worldwide pandemic that happens, right?

We want to know that we have security in retirement …

… that no matter what happens, that we have a fool proof plan.

Now, can we plan for everything? Maybe, maybe not….

But we can do our best by making sure that you have a plan, that’s going to give you the desired income that’s coming out every single month, that you will need for the rest of your life.

I’ve taken my last 20 plus years of expertise and I’ve really honed in on, specifically, being your distribution expert.

Those professionals that have helped you grow your funds to date; maybe send them a present, maybe they deserve kudos. That’s great! I’ve been there.

I’ve helped people grow those assets too. But now we have a different focus.

To illustrate, last week I was meeting with some clients of mine, a husband and wife. And the husband is very concerned. He, again, doesn’t think that they have enough saved for retirement.

And we spent a lot of time talking about … what does, “not having enough saved for retirement mean for them”, personally? 

And the reason why he has this sickening feeling is because he doesn’t know. He doesn’t know how much he should have saved up.

He doesn’t know how to convert that total dollar amount into an amount that’s going to last them as long as they will both live!

There’s a lot of resources that we need to go to.

And in the links below, you’ll find a couple of documents that’re going to get you going down that path, get you to start thinking about, “What do I need coming in every single month?”

But when we are transitioning into retirement, there is so much information out there, right? 

I get all the time that it’s really scary.

And I understand that it can be a scary experience because now we’re going from, I go to work: I have a paycheck coming in.

No matter how good I am at saving or spending or putting away for retirement, I’m going back to work and I’m getting a paycheck.

Now that security isn’t quite as secure as it’s been in the past, right?

We’ve had so much transition in our economy, in our market and in our country right now that there’s a lot of things that are not guaranteed.

But if you have a job and a paycheck is coming in every single month …

… and the money that’s coming in covers your expenses …

… And all of a sudden that job goes away …

… There is this difficulty in trying to make that transition.

And as you look into it, talk to your HR, talk to your friends and family, talk to your spouse, you look at your 401k, 403b, 401a, TSP account or whatever that employer sponsored plan is that you’ve been putting money into for all of these years …

… the underlying question becomes …

How do you make that transition?”

Who are you talking to? What do you do with it?

You hear all of these different terms and phrases. Some of the terminology maybe new to you.

For example, I’m hearing terms like Qualified Plans versus Non-qualified.

I’m hearing Vested: Do I get my contribution plus my employer’s contribution? How do I know what pieces I’m getting? I’m hearing Rollover.

“What does that mean to Rollover my account?”

Does it cost me anything?

Am I going to pay taxes on it when I do it?

There are all these different moving pieces. You might be hearing about ‘a conversion?’ And some of these terms are interchangeable.

So, it’s hard to really understand.

I want you to know that this is what I do for my clients. And those that I’m working with every day, all day long, I am educating myself, making sure that I understand your options.

Some people want to be very involved. And they want to know everything. And they want to understand it before they make a decision.

And that’s great! Kudos to you. You should understand it.

But just know, that it’s my job to understand it. And I’m going to look at all of the options for you. I’m going to spend as much time as you want going through those options.

I have clients who are just like, “Okay, Jason. This is beyond my mental capacity. I don’t want to spend the time. I don’t want to figure it out. I don’t want to really know the nitty-gritty, but I want somebody who I know, like, and trust.

And I want somebody who says to me, “If this was your money, Jason, what would you do? Okay. Do that for me.” And then they’d come back to me a year later, saying, “Okay, where we at?

How are things going?”

You know, I really pride myself on helping you and empowering you to make whatever decision that you want to make:

If you want decisions made for you or if you want all of the information at your fingertips. And you want to understand it completely …

… I have clients on all ends of the spectrum and I love them all. It doesn’t matter which way. I want you to be comfortable in your decisions.

I want you to be comfortable in my decisions. I want us to be able to work together. My clients have become some of my best friends because we spend so much time together.

And I’m helping them make a decision that is, probably, at this point in their life, the most important decision left in their life. And so, I want you to you understand that there is a lot of information out there.

You can Google it, YouTube it, you can talk to your friends and you can talk to your HR department

and most of the time when individuals sit back down with me, they’re just confused:

I don’t understand. I don’t know how this could be …

… I read all this …

… I listened to all this …

… I watched all this …

And I’m more confused than when we started.”

I want to help you with that confusion.

I want to help educate you to whatever level that you want to be educated. I want to look at how all of these decisions, when you go into retirement are going to affect you and your significant other (if there’s two of you in the picture).

We’ve got to make sure that these funds are going to last for both lifetimes. And not everybody you talk to is looking out for all of those different aspects.

Again, this is just one video amongst an entire video series that I have. This is just one piece of a big puzzle.

I have a free webinar that you can go watch that walks through the steps from start to finish. It takes about an hour and 20 minutes.

But it gives you all of the different pieces in one video. And then I have a whole bunch of other videos that I can take you to step-by-step.

And break down the different pieces I talk about in my webinar into individual segments.

And this “Transitioning Into Retirement” is one I could do an entire hour, two hour, three hour seminar on. I could do a 10-hour educational overview on all the different pieces, but that’s not what we want to do today.


We want to just get the ball started, get you thinking, and then utilize the links below to delve in deeper and go through the things that you want. Some people want to do that.

Others … just click the link below and schedule a call with me.

We can go through the documents. We can start that process. We can figure out what it is that you need to do. I’m here to help you and empower you to “Create the Retirement of Your Dreams!” Whatever that looks like to you.

I want to know your goals. I want to know your dreams. I want to know what it is that you want to do in retirement.

Do you want to play golf every day?

Do you want to be able to just be at home?

Maybe even fly your family to you?

Do you want to go to Disney World?

What are your goals?

And then how can I help you accomplish your goals?

Where do we need to go, what do we need to do?

How do we utilize all these many, many, many options that are out there?

How do we understand them?

How do we best put them into play?

We’re going to look at that plan.”

We’re going to come up with a game plan that’s going to be changing 24/7/365 days a year … because things do change, right?

A plan today, is going to transition. We need to be able to move with that change in life. And know that what it is that we’re doing is going to work for us.

I have a great client of mine, who we had a whole game plan set up. And she was excited and grateful. And just ready to run this plan exactly the way it was.

And then all of a sudden, she had a wild idea that she wanted to buy some property and have a different source of income by renting it out.

This just came out of the blue, a year and a half into our plan.

And I said, “Okay, great! Let’s look at that.

How do we do it?

How do we transition?

What do we utilize?

How do we best put this new plan into place?”

So, whatever works for you guys is what I want to do.

Again, my name is Jason Bergquist and I want to help Empower you to Create the Retirement of Your Dreams!”

Click the links below and let’s talk!

Have a great day!

Next Steps:

1. Click here to download documents

2. Click here to register for our FREE Webinar

3. Click here to schedule your FREE Retirement of Your Dream Call

Jason Bergquist
Jason Bergquist

Jason Bergquist has worked in the financial services since the year 2000. Building a business, teaching and educating families has become his passion. “Empowering You To Create The Retirement Of Your Dreams!” Jason lives in Riverton, UT with his wife Stacey and their 5 kids.