"How To Create the Retirement of Your Dreams FASTER Leveraging the Crypto World For Passive Residual Income”

The crypto world alliance

"How To Collect Passive Residual Income Streams Without Guessing Coins, Being Technical and Taking Years Of Hard Work!"


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Hi, my name is Jason Bergquist. And today I'm going to talk to you about what types of crypto you should be investing in. 

Daily, I get asked the questions:

“Where do I start?” 

“What crypto should I even be investing in?”

The problem is ...

Where do you start? 

What are you looking for? 

Do you even know what the people that you're listening to or following on YouTube or hear in the news are even talking about? 

Well, Here's My Story.

And here's what I figured out and how I got started. It always seems to start with, what coin should I buy? And I was the same way. And guess what? 

When I first started, that's what I did.

I bought a few coins. How did I decide what coins to buy? Well, it was simple. I was using the Robin Hood app to purchase my stocks and they had four cryptocurrencies that you could purchase there.

So, what did I do? I bought those four coins. I started with just coins, but nowadays there are over 20,000 coins and it's growing every day.

  So How Can You Choose Between 20,000 Options? 

Which one is going to be good for you? 

Well, this is where I started, right where you’re at. And here's what I decided. See, I’ve been in the financial services industry since 2000. 

I've been helping people try and figure out how to set up retirement plans.

Well, over the past couple of years, the questions and concerns have changed.

 And I Started Getting Asked All The Time …

"Hey, what percentage should I have in the stock market?"

"What percentage should I add to a cryptocurrency?" 

And I had to figure out how to help people do that. So that's what I did. I started looking into it. I started purchasing coins. And I thought to myself, “Okay, I never liked managing a stock portfolio.”

See, I'd worked at Merrill Lynch. And when I left Merrill Lynch, I vowed, I would never trade stocks for another human being as long as I live, because you could have always done better.

And that always bothered me.

So why am I then investing in coins? A coin portfolio is like a stock portfolio so I didn't like that idea either. And so, I went looking to see what I could figure out and what I could find. 

To read more details of my story, to hear the whole version, how I got started …

… if you're curious about our process and what we teach, how we've helped many others who are in the same boat as you …

  … I Recommend You Pick Up My $7 Report By Clicking HERE

 It's just $7 to help you understand a little bit more about me, my background, where I came from and how we got started.

But today, we've fast forwarded six months from that point. And I had actually found something. And when I found it, I liquidated everything I had in Robin Hood. I got rid of all of my stocks. I even sold all of my coins.

Why would I do that if I'm just getting started in the cryptocurrency world? 

Well, because I had found it. 

I had found a way to make passive residual income.

I was now purchasing revenue, producing assets or investing in areas where I don't have to guess on coins.

Just like, I didn't want to guess on the stock market.

  How Could I Go Wrong With Getting Involved Where My Coins Created More Coins Through A Reward System? 

Well, today that's what we're going to go over. I want to empower you with the three things that will help you know how and what types of cryptos to get invested in.

Now, when we talk about the cryptocurrency world, there are many options.

The three things that we're going to go over today is:

1. How do we vet and find the right projects, not just coins?

2. How do we set up passive residual income and …

3. How can you use crypto to enhance your retirement plan? 

When we’re all done, you’ll have an understanding of where to start and what to look for. 

  Also, How You Should Be Investing In Crypto And Know Why It Doesn't Need To Be Scary.   

And before you ever get started running, buying, trading crypto on your computer, you better make sure the computer is not already compromised.

That would be a sickening feeling.

And it's happened to so many. When you log into your crypto account and find out it's been drained …

… So, click HERE because it gives you a discount. 

More importantly, it helps you get started in making sure that your computer is clean and your identity hasn't been already taken.

We'll talk more about this later, but click the link to learn more and get protected.

1. How Do We Vet and Find the Right Projects Versus Coins? 

You're probably hearing from friends and family, maybe YouTube that you should buy this Doge coin or this Sheba coin or whatever it is that they're talking about.

One, how do you buy it?

Two, what do you know and how did you decide to buy the coin?

Just because someone's talking about it? 

Well, we've all been there. I get it. We've all done that. But even if you guess, and you bought the right coin …

… well, the price goes up …

… you sell some of that coin.

The price goes up again.

You sell the rest of that and now you have no more coins.

So, you have to decide, “Do I buy more with the funds that I just collected from selling my coins.” But you don't want to because now there at all-time highs!

This was my story with Ethereum so when I tell you guys, I've done these things and I've been down this road and I know what you're going through …

… I have!

So quickly: I first bought Ethereum. If you haven't heard of Ethereum, there the second most known coin next to Bitcoin.

And it should be around for as long as cryptocurrency is around.

But, you know, we don't know. 

But I first bought crypto, Ethereum specifically, when it was around $450. And within a year had gone up to $4,500.

Yeah, it 10 x'ed! 

But Did I Have My Ethereum When It Hit $4,500? 

No, because I was excited when it had more than doubled. And so, I sold it to someone when it hit a thousand dollars.

And then when it went up another three times, I sold the rest at $3,000.

Now that's a great, huge win, right?

But now I didn't have any more Ethereum. And if I wanted to get more, I had to go back and buy more Ethereum with the profits I just taken out of my investment.

So, I was happy I made money.

I was happy the timing was right.

I was happy I chose the right thing, but now I was a little bit discouraged. 

  So How Do We Get Out Of This Rat Race? 

Well, we stop focusing on getting rich quick because we happen to choose the right coin; that coin that does 1000 X, while the other 10 or 20 coins that we've purchased disappeared off the face of the earth.

I'm going to help you understand what all of that means and how to look for those options.

2. How Do We Set Up Passive Residual Income

This is what excited me. This is why I sold off my coins. This is why I said, I no longer have to just guess on what coin is going to work.

But you have to find the projects that produce with your original investment. Compounding off of what you already put in from day one.

Now you've heard the phrase return on investment, right? ROI.

Well, in the cryptocurrency world, we also talk about your ROC, right? 

 Your Return On Coins. 

We never know exactly where the prices are going to be.

But if I know that if I purchase something with 10 coins and it starts to produce for me, to get me my 10 points back, then continues to produce, even after I got my return of 10 coins back.


What could that do for me? Well, basically you're getting and purchasing a revenue producing asset!

So, a lot of people understand that with the real estate market. You purchase something and you rent it. It's a revenue producing asset.

What If You Could Do That In The Cryptocurrency World? 

I didn't just want a coin portfolio. Just like I wasn't excited about a stock portfolio. And I know most people I've talked to have been in that same boat.

We want to help you understand where to go and how to start by getting revenue producing crypto assets.

So, to see how we do this and get the step-by-step process and all the trainings, just click HERE to the members area.

You can check it out for just $1.

You'll have a seven-day trial period, which you can go through and see how we help everybody for just a $1.

  3. How Can You Use Crypto to Enhance Your Retirement Plan? 

How do we get additional monthly residual income? 

Well, when I had figured this out, I took it to my clients. I'm going to tell you quickly about Pat and Debbie …

… I'm going to talk to you about Carrie …

… I'm going to talk to you about Pam and Dan.

These were already financial clients of mine. People I'd already helped set up. All three of these were already retired or at least one of the spouses was retired.

So, Pat and Debbie, they had retired. We had been setting up their funds, but they still had other funds. They're still trying to figure out what we do to create more income.

What Do We Do To Grow Our Assets In Retirement? 

So, they were looking for another revenue stream, another option. I brought them this option of crypto and they said …

"Hey, I hear it all the time! Our kids and grandkids are talking about it. Why not?”

But they didn't know where to start. They didn't know how to start. They didn't know what coins to buy. 

Again, that's not the route we went. And I helped them get started.

Now We Have Another Revenue Producing Asset For Them. 

Karen had already been retired. She has a good retirement, but again, she had some more funds. And she wanted to do something more that she had a little bit more control of.

She talked to me about buying gold. She talked to me about buying silver. So, we did a little bit of both. She got some silver and then we decided to get some crypto in addition to that. And we helped her set that up.

Then we have, again, another asset class. Another revenue producing asset for her retirement, even though she was already in retirement. 

Pam and Dan: Dan is still working. Pam, we retired about two years ago. She already had a retirement plan in place, but again, they said, “what else can we do?”

“We have followed this 401k, this employer plan. We've done this other investing. Is there something more we can do?” 

And again, they were hearing about crypto in the markets, just like you’re hearing.

So again, we said, "Well, in addition to your stocks, in addition to your 401k, in addition to your guaranteed income annuities that’re going to pay you out for life. If we still have some other funds that we want to take some risk with, or want to set up some other ways of earning money ….”

We Decided To Go with Cryptocurrency. 

So today, we went over three things that’ll help you know what types of crypto to invest in. 

1. How do we vet and find the right projects, not just coins?

2. How do we set up passive residual income and …

3. How can you use crypto to enhance your retirement plan?

You now have a little bit of an understanding of what crypto you should be investing in, not just coins, right? 

And how it helps enhance your retirement plan by giving you another stream of income. 

If you want to go deeper, I would suggest you schedule your Free Fast Track To Retirement Of Your Dreams Call by clicking HERE.

During our time together, you'll discover:

·        How we can earn a net 20% return per month opportunity. Yes, 20% per month! Let me prove it to you

·        How to get more control over your income investments without just the traditional stock investment market portfolio

·        How to create ongoing passive residual income without joining an MLM and without the guesswork

I'm so confident that you'll find the Fast Track to the Retirement Of Your Dreams Call valuable that I'm putting time aside specifically for you, to meet with you one-on-one to show you how. 

And we're doing all of this for you, for free, because you took the time to watch this video so we know that you're serious.

Again, I'm Jason Bergquist.

I look forward to helping you understand how you can add crypto to your retirement portfolio and enhance the retirement of your dreams.

Set that time up by clicking HERE! Let's talk. Let's help you get that figured out. Look forward to talking with you. Have a great day!

Jason Bergquist
Jason Bergquist

Jason Bergquist has worked in the financial services since the year 2000. Building a business, teaching and educating families has become his passion. “Empowering You To Create The Retirement Of Your Dreams!” Jason lives in Riverton, UT with his wife Stacey and their 5 kids.