Why An Annuity and How It Compares To Other Retirement Vehicles



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Hi! Today, we're going to discuss, "Why An Annuity and How It Compares To Other Retirement Vehicles." 

We'll compare how Cindy, one of my clients, and I concluded that using Annuities properly compared to our other options, helped us create the retirement of her dreams. 

When you implement these steps properly, I believe, this too, will give you the peace of mind in retirement, just like it did for Cindy, as well as many of my other clients.

In a moment, I’ll share with you the three main reasons why an Annuity will help you accomplish the retirement of your dreams. 

First, looking at employer plans versus Annuities. 

Second, how listening to experts on TV, YouTube, or your family might be giving you uneducated advice or not specific to you. 

Three, the amount of assets you have versus how to turn those assets into Income. 

And that may be the most important conversation that we have. 

When you're done, you'll understand why an Annuity can be the right retirement vehicle to help you create the retirement of your dreams, or at least a big piece of the puzzle. 

Click here for more videos on these subjects. 

First, let's discuss Employer Plans versus Annuities. Maybe you have a 401k or a 403b or a TSP Plan.

Maybe you've been looking into 529 Plans. 

Let's discuss what those look like and how those can compare. 

Let's discuss markets. 

The ups and downs of the stock market versus guarantees. 

Did you know that Social Security is a form of Annuity? 

Did you know that your pension plan is a form of an Annuity? 

For those who have told me that Annuities are bad, and they don't want anything to do with them, I bring this up. 

If you don't want to look at Annuities, or if you can't understand how they could work to help you create the retirement of your dreams. 

But when you say, "No, I'm not looking at that option. I don't like Annuities. I've heard bad things. I don't want to go down that road." 

Well, here's what I say. When you get that Social Security check, send it back to the government. Let them know, you don't like Annuities, you don't want anything to do with them.

Or those of you that are getting a pension check from your employer, send that back to your employer. Tell them you no longer want this money because you don't like Annuities. 

Now, of course, you're not going to send those checks back, but I wanted to make a point and have you think of it that way. 

These are functions of an Annuity. 

How do you get that guaranteed income for life? 

Social Security and Pensions function the same way. 

They've been putting funds into a lump sum Annuity that gives you a payout guaranteed for the rest of your life. 

So, can you do that for yourself personally, with your own funds? Like a 401k. 

Well, as I talked through options with Cindy, talked about her 401k, what her company pension plan wasn't doing for her. 

We found out a few things. 

First, her pension plan had been frozen. Nothing had been added to it in years. Second, Cindy didn't want to be in the marketing role.

She did not want to guess which option is going to give her what she needed or wanted in retirement. 

She did not want to deal with the buy and hope strategy, where you continue to put money in your employer plan …

… and no hope the market is going to be under upswing when you're going through retirement. 

I often ask my clients this, do you have to think of how to plan for and prepare for retirement. 

The question is not if the stock market will crash, but when and how many times will the stock market crash during your retirement?

Or even worse, what if it crashes just before you plan to retire? 

As Cindy and I discussed this, "Yeah, I hadn't thought of that," she said. 

But if we look back at the early 2000s or 2008 …

… or just recently with the market crash due to a worldwide pandemic …

… or look at your accounts right now. 

For example, one of my clients planned to retire in 2008, but after the crash in 2008, he had to change his plans.

He was losing over half his retirement savings. 

He had to work longer to build it right back up. 

So, Cindy decided she needed to make some changes and fast. She did not want to be one of the victims we were discussing. 

Second, listening to experts on YouTube, on TV, or your family giving you uneducated advice, or maybe better said, advice that is not specific to your personal situation. 

For example, there are individuals out there like Ken Fisher or Dave Ramsey. It isn't that they're giving you bad advice, but it's generic advice. 

It's not specific to you and what you are trying to accomplish. 

Maybe they are referring to a specific kind of Annuity, like comparing very normal Annuities versus Guaranteed Income Annuities. 

Your family advice may come from a bad place of how an Annuity use to work, or a bad experience they had working with the wrong advisor or so many other issues that they may run into, personally.

I can agree with them, but when your Annuities are set up by the right person …

… set up the right way with a guaranteed income expert, by someone who's educated.

Then how to utilize them to accomplish your dreams and your goals, is the only option. 

Not one Annuity will accomplish everything. 

So, we must look at your options, look at what you want. 

One size does not fit all in this scenario. 

Other reasons people fear Annuities is the misunderstanding when it comes to fees and loss of control. 

One of the Annuities we set up for Cindy didn't have any fees at all. 

Others, she chose to pay for an enhancement to get a specific benefit, to help her reach her goals, which we can do for you. For example, adding long-term care or a guaranteed income for life addition or a death benefit. 

Maybe you want to return of premium option built in there?

Cindy started realizing that by using annuities …

… she could get a percentage of the growth in the markets while not having to realize any losses …

… and be able to add the specific enhancements that she wanted to create the plan for her future. 

Number three, the amount of assets you have versus how to turn those assets into income. 

Again, this is probably the most important conversation that we need to have. It's not about your net worth. 

It's about how much do you get to spend each month in retirement. 

Guaranteed income coming in for life, every single month. 

How to make sure that our fixed expenses are covered by our fixed income plus additional, extra, and discretionary funds coming in.

Another phrase that I like is turning your payday into your play day. 

There's an author out there that talks about when you are working, when do you spend the most money? 

Where you spend the most money is on the weekend, right? 

You work all week, you plan and do trips, whatever it is on the weekend and that's when you spend your money. 

Well, oftentimes people think they're going to need the less money to retire with. But as I talked to them, they realize that every day is play day, right?

So, you don't just have a weekend. 

You can go do whatever you want any day you want. 

So, it can be more expensive in retirement. And we want to discuss that and go through that and look at your options. 

So, there are many kinds of advisors out there. 

I've been on both ends. 

As I worked at Merrill Lynch, and I help individuals grow their assets.

Well, one, they charge you to manage those funds. 

They get them up higher and higher. 

This is where most advisors are, but you could also look at working with an income specialist to turn those funds into guaranteed income. 

So that’s the route I decided to go in my career, it's helping individuals set up guaranteed income, they can never outlive. 

I have been on the other side. 

And I'm not saying that they're bad. You need people as you're putting funds away to help you grow your assets. 

But which advisor are you going to work with? 

Can you use both? 


I'm not saying that you need to fire your current advisor, but what will talking to another expert do for you? 

Specifically, someone who is an income specialist. 

A guaranteed lifetime income specialist. 

Who’s going to make sure that you have the funds that you need forever. 

Helping me come down the other side. 

My example of this is when you go to that dentist and they work on your teeth, oftentimes they refer you to an orthodontist because you need another specialist to work on something else that they don't do. 

You can go do whatever you want any day you want. 

So, it can be more expensive in retirement. And we want to discuss that and go through that and look at your options. 

So, there are many kinds of advisors out there. 

I've been on both ends. 

As I worked at Merrill Lynch, and I help individuals grow their assets.

Well, one, they charge you to manage those funds. 

They get them up higher and higher. 

This is where most advisors are, but you could also look at working with an income specialist to turn those funds into guaranteed income. 

So that’s the route I decided to go in my career, it's helping individuals set up guaranteed income, they can never outlive. 

I have been on the other side. 

And I'm not saying that they're bad. You need people as you're putting funds away to help you grow your assets. 

But which advisor are you going to work with? 

Can you use both? 


I'm not saying that you need to fire your current advisor, but what will talking to another expert do for you? 

Specifically, someone who is an income specialist. 

A guaranteed lifetime income specialist. 

Who’s going to make sure that you have the funds that you need forever. 

Helping me come down the other side. 

My example of this is when you go to that dentist and they work on your teeth, oftentimes they refer you to an orthodontist because you need another specialist to work on something else that they don't do. 

So again, utilizing both advisors to help you accomplish your goals. 

So today we went over the three main reasons why an Annuity will help you create the retirement of your dreams. 

One, how to utilize an employer plan with an Annuity, or when to make that change. 

Two, listening to experts on TV, YouTube, and family, giving you uneducated advice or not specific to you. 

Three, looking at the amount of assets you have and what you're trying to grow them to versus how to turn those assets into income. 

When you implement these steps properly, I believe, this too, will give you the peace of mind in retirement …

… just like it did for Cindy and many others. 

You now have a glimpse into understanding why you should be using an Annuity and why it doesn't need to be scary. 

If you want to go deeper, I suggest you schedule your Free Retirement Of Your Dreams Call ($497 Value).

Just click here and schedule a time to meet. During our time together, you'll discover:

What an annuity is and how it can help you
How an annuity can give you more control over your income
How to create an ongoing, guaranteed income that won't go down with stock market loss

I'm so confident that you'll find the Retirement Of Your Dreams Call ($497 Value) valuable that I'm putting time aside, specifically for you …

… to meet with you one-on-one and show you how at no cost to you.

And we are doing all this just for you because you took the time to watch this video.

So, we know you're serious. I look forward to meeting with you and helping you create the retirement of your dreams.

I'm Jason Bergquist have a wonderful day.

Look forward to meeting with you!

Jason Bergquist
Jason Bergquist

Jason Bergquist has worked in the financial services since the year 2000. Building a business, teaching and educating families has become his passion. “Empowering You To Create The Retirement Of Your Dreams!” Jason lives in Riverton, UT with his wife Stacey and their 5 kids.