"How To Create the Retirement of Your Dreams FASTER Leveraging the Crypto World For Passive Residual Income”

The crypto world alliance

"How To Collect Passive Residual Income Streams Without Guessing Coins, Being Technical and Taking Years Of Hard Work!"


When you book your call with me today, you'll discover the exact steps to creating the Retirement of Your Dreams FASTER!


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Hi, my name is Jason Bergquist. And today I want to talk to you about why you should invest in Crypto. Let me ask you this …

Have you ever been satisfied with returns on any of your investments or have you always been looking for more? 

Maybe you have been willing to risk a little more to get a lot more.

Maybe you've tried the stock market. You've been diligent in your investing with your employer plans.

Maybe you bought real estate or whatever it is that you've been doing.

You’ve followed the script, but you just don't seem to have what you're looking for to give you the peace of mind about your retirement.

You don't want the ‘buy and hope,’ and it doesn't seem like ‘buy and hold,’ the original strategy, really works for anybody anymore.

You know what you're looking for. 

 And you know what? 

 You're right!

 There’re more and other options out there. Let me tell it to you this way …

 I have a client of mine, a friend, his name is Duane, and he was just like you. He had literally done everything he was supposed to and put money away. 

 And followed the plan. 

 The employer plan. 

 And everything else that he'd been doing.

But he knew there was something more that he wanted. And he saw Crypto and wanted to get started with it, but he didn't know how or where to start.

So, I literally took Duane, from not knowing anything about Crypto (he just knew he wanted to get involved, knew it was the wave of the future, but had no idea how or where to start) all the way down the road of having a plan for retirement.

He had retired by the time we were talking, but he didn't see how all of these pieces were going to fit together and give him actually what he wanted for his future.

So, I helped him get started. I helped him understand the options. 

Today, I'm going to talk to you about the Crypto option, along with a little bit of some of the other things that we did for Duane to make sure that he had the retirement of his dreams. 

In particular, I want to share with you three things that I helped Duane do to get off the fence and actually start making money in Crypto:

1.     Add another stream of income, using Cryptocurrency.

2.      How to make money with Crypto. 

3.      How to overcome this fear of getting started in Crypto.

Caveat here, before you ever start, doing, running, buying, trading Crypto on your computer, you'd better make sure that your computer is not compromised already!

You can actually click HERE to get discount pricing on computer cleaning, on identity theft protection and making sure you're not compromised out there on the dark web.

We'll talk more about that in later episodes, but click the link to get more information.

When we're all done, you'll have an understanding of why you too should be investing in Crypto and why it doesn't need to be scary. 

1.      Add Another Stream of Income

Again, Duane is retired, but he didn't see where he was going to get what he needed out of his retirement or really what he wanted.

He could have lived on what he had and just scraped by, but he really wanted to have more. But he didn't think his current monthly income was actually going to work out to cover his current monthly expenses long-term.

He even had his home paid off, so he didn't even have a mortgage payment, but still wondered, "When do I ‘turn on’ my social security?” 

“How do I implement these different strategies?” 

“How do I make sure that I have enough fixed income coming in to cover my fixed expenses?” 

“And then more income to actually go do the things that I want to do in retirement and be able to travel?” 

He wanted that control.

So, when you’re looking at this and you're trying to figure out how to do that, you need to figure out and come up with exactly what it is that you want, what you're looking for from retirement.

Take some time, get specific, find some exact numbers. I have a fillable PDF, HERE, to help you come up with this number. If you're not sure how to come up with that number, just click the link.

You'll see the video, schedule your time and fill out the Retirement Lifestyle Worksheet. 

It’ll help us help you in our Fast Track to Your Retirement of Your Dreams Call, go through it and make sure that we are accomplishing what you want to do and actually reaching your goals in your retirement.

2.       How To Make Money In Crypto

Looking for something more, adding this extra stream, I understand can be scary. But it doesn't have to be scary.

If you have someone who can help you step-by-step, talk to you about what apps to use and answer questions like the following:

·        Why do we use Crypto.com versus Coinbase or many others that are out there? 

·        When people talk about having a soft wallet or a hard wallet, what does that mean? 

And the list goes on.

You don't even understand the lingo.

I'm here to help you with that setup.

I'm here to help you understand where we go with that.

Now, when Duane talked to me, he also told me that he didn't want a coin portfolio just like he didn't want a stock portfolio anymore.

And I said, "Been there, done that." 

Because when I left Merrill Lynch, I vowed, I would never trade stocks for another human being ever again, because you always could have done better.

And I didn't like that feeling.

So, when I got started in Crypto and I was buying coins, I was looking for a better route, I was looking for passive residual income without guessing on coins.

And that's exactly what Duane said to me, "I don't need a stock portfolio, a coin portfolio. I've done that. I've gone that route. I don't want a coin portfolio. Like I did my stock portfolio.”

But he didn't even realize, or even really think about the fact that there was a way to get passive residual income in Cryptocurrency until he met me and then we talked about it.

He's like, "Oh wow, that's a thing?" 

Many of my clients didn't even realize these options were available until they started working with me because there’re so many options out there. 

It's all new. 

It's a new horizon and you don't even know how to get started.

I help my clients know what to look for, how to set it up.

Imagine a step-by-step process handed to you on a silver platter, just like I did Duane, so you know exactly what steps you're taking.

So, if you're curious about our process and what we taught Duane ...

... And many others that’re in the same boat as you, I recommend that you pick up my $7 Crypto World report by clicking here.

So, we were able to help Duane, meet his goals by adding another stream of income …

… but not by guessing on coins …

… not by buying the hottest coins your friends are talking about …

… or what you're seeing on YouTube …

… or what you're hearing in the news …

… or someone just giving you a call up and say, "Hey! You should look at this!"

Not just ‘buy and hold’ to hopefully get something out of it in the future, but actually how to buy a revenue producing Crypto asset so that you can make money.

And continually get rewards on a daily and a monthly basis.

3.      How To Overcome Your Fears Of Crypto

A lot of people are getting started with something new, but know that they don't want to miss out, like Duane.

He knew that this was the route he needed to go, but didn't know how or where to get started. But with my help, with the money he already had, we were able to make a plan …

How to get Crypto added
What percent should be put back into the stock market? 
What percent should go into our guaranteed safety buckets? 
What percent do we want to risk and throw into the Crypto markets? 
And are the Crypto markets really that scary if you know what you're doing? 

With our help, Duane was no longer scared because we were able to help him set up a step-by-step process, served up to him on a silver platter. 

And if you want to see how we make it easy …

… to see how we do this …

… and what we do to help you set it up …

… to see the step-by-step process and get all of the trainings …

… you can click HERE to my members area.

You can check it all out for just $1!

You're going to get a 7-day free trial period that you can use to go through everything that we've already set up, give you some initial information and see how we do it for just for $1.

Again, we didn’t just help Duane with Crypto, but we added Crypto to his overall retirement portfolio.

Now his fast track to the retirement of his dreams is on track!

You can see my other video series for that. I want you to avoid waiting any longer or falling into the same traps as Duane’s analysis by paralysis and not make a decision for a year or more.

So as a reminder, today we went over three things to help empower you to get off the fence and start making money with Crypto.

We talked about …

1.            Add another stream of income, using Cryptocurrency.

2.            How to make money with Crypto.

3.            How to overcome this fear of getting started in Crypto.

And if you’ve been paying attention, then you now have an understanding of why you should be investing in Crypto and why it doesn't need to be scary.

If you want to go deeper, I would suggest you schedule your Free Fast Track to the Retirement of Your Dreams Call.

During our time together, you'll discover:

 A net 20% per month opportunity (Let me prove it to you)
More control over your income and investments, not in the traditional stock market way
Create an ongoing, passive residual income without joining an MLM, without the guesswork

I'm so confident that you'll find the Free Fast Track to the Retirement of Your Dreams Call valuable I'm putting time specifically aside for you …

… to meet with you one-on-one …

… to show you how and what we're doing. 

All because I value your time. 

And I see that you have some interest because you're watching this video. I look forward to meeting with you and helping you create the retirement of your dreams.

Jason Bergquist
Jason Bergquist

Jason Bergquist has worked in the financial services since the year 2000. Building a business, teaching and educating families has become his passion. “Empowering You To Create The Retirement Of Your Dreams!” Jason lives in Riverton, UT with his wife Stacey and their 5 kids.