FREE RETIREMENT OF YOUR DREAMS VIDEO: Let US show you how WE can EMPOWER you to create the Retirement of Your Dreams !

FREE RETIREMENT OF YOUR DREAMS CALL: When you book your call with US today, you'll discover the exact steps to creating the Retirement of Your Dreams FASTER!

Have you ever wondered if your retirement savings strategy safeguards your financial security?

Are you curious about proven strategies to ensure a comfortable and stable retirement income for life?

Are you wondering how to navigate the complexities of retirement planning with confidence and clarity?

If so, you're in the right place.

Hello, I'm Jason Bergquist, the owner and founder of RetirementOfYourDreams.com.

I'm thrilled to kick off our three-part series:

"Money Markets to Create the Retirement Of Your Dreams."

Today, I'm excited to launch part 3, “Crafting Your Worry-Free Retirement: Expert Strategies for Financial Security and Peace of Mind.”

We'll dive into essential topics to help you navigate your retirement journey with confidence:

1. Securing Liquidity: Your Key To The Retirement Of Your Dreams

2. Unlocking the Power of Guaranteed Income

3. Safeguarding Your Retirement Against Medical Costs

If you missed Part 1,  you can catch up by clicking HERE...

... Or Part 2,  you can catch up by clicking HERE.

Throughout this series, we'll provide practical insights and expert advice to empower you toward a fulfilling retirement.

Whether you're just beginning retirement planning or seeking to optimize your existing strategy, join us as we embark on this journey together.

The Retirement Of Your Dreams awaits ...

... let's work together to make it a reality!

Before we dive in, I'd like to introduce myself if we still need to meet.

I'm Jason Bergquist!

I empower individuals and families to create the Retirement Of Their dreams.

I've been doing this for over twenty years through the ups and downs of the markets. My goal is to help educate people.

Empower them to understand how to set up the retirement of their dreams. And bring hope back into their lives.

I realized this was my calling in 2010 when I was going through a divorce. I was financially low then and realized I wasn't practicing what I preached.

I committed to practicing what I preached and became an Independent Financial Professional ...
... and a Certified Financial Fiduciary.

This experience allowed me always to do what's in my client's best interests.

Now, I work with a team of experts to empower you to create the Retirement Of Your Dreams.

Again, we're kicking off Video 3 of our 3-part series: “Crafting Your Worry-Free Retirement: Expert Strategies for Financial Security and Peace of Mind.”

This is Step 7:

“Money Markets to Create the Retirement Of Your Dreams.”

We’ll cover the following:

1. Securing Liquidity: Your Key To The Retirement Of Your Dreams

2. Unlocking the Power of Guaranteed Income

3. Safeguarding Your Retirement Against Medical Costs

Let's dive into the nitty-gritty of  ...

1. Securing Liquidity: Your Key To The Retirement Of Your Dreams

Let's start with many individuals' primary concern as they approach retirement: liquidity.

Liquidity: What does this mean exactly?

Liquidity refers to the accessibility of your funds—how easily you can withdraw any amount you need, whenever you need it.

This is particularly crucial as you transition from the workforce to retirement.

When you contribute to an employer-sponsored 401k or TSP (Thrift Savings Plan), your funds are somewhat liquid.

However, restrictions and penalties exist, especially if you're younger than 59 and a half. But once you pass this age milestone, you gain more control over your retirement savings.

Moving your 401k into an IRA (Individual Retirement Account) after reaching 59 and a half offers more flexibility.

The funds become readily available for withdrawal, similar to how they were within your employer plan.

But what about strategies like fixed-indexed annuities, which can provide a guaranteed income stream in retirement?

Many worry about sacrificing liquidity.

While there are limitations, most plans allow for a 10% withdrawal without penalties.

Considering the 4% rule we discussed in the previous video ...

... having access to 10% of your funds still provides a reasonable degree of flexibility.

However, it's crucial to strike a balance.

We'll work together to determine how much liquidity you need for emergencies, planned expenses, and day-to-day living versus what you can comfortably allocate to secure income streams.

It's about finding the right mix that aligns with your financial goals and lifestyle.

Remember, this isn't about making drastic changes or sacrificing control.

It's about crafting a personalized plan to achieve the Retirement Of Your Dreams confidently.

Schedule a consultation with our Retirement Of Your Dreams expert, and let's tailor a strategy that fits your unique needs and aspirations.

2. Unlocking the Power of Guaranteed Income

Let's dive into one of the most crucial aspects of retirement planning: guaranteed income.

Throughout our journey together, I've emphasized the importance of transforming our assets into a steady income stream that lasts a lifetime.

But why is this topic so vital?

In my years working with clients, the BIG concern ...

... is the fear of outliving your money during retirement!

Many express more anxiety about outliving their money than about death itself!

After all, if our funds dwindle before our time, what options do we have left?

This fear resonates deeply with individuals like Pam, whom we've discussed in previous videos.

Pam dreamed of retiring but felt trapped by financial uncertainties.

She worried about replacing her income and dreaded potential penalties for accessing her funds before the prescribed age.

So, we helped Pam achieve the Retirement Of Her Dreams with strategic planning and expert guidance.

She could live on her terms by creating a Guaranteed Income Stream tailored to her needs.

Pam's story highlights a crucial realization: true wealth lies in time and freedom.

While Pam initially yearned for exotic travels ...

... she ultimately found fulfillment in being present for her loved ones during meaningful moments.

With a Guaranteed Income For Life, Pam no longer frets about market volatility or financial insecurity.

Her income isn't contingent on market fluctuations but remains steady, providing her peace of mind and security.

So, what's your next step?

Reach out to a Retirement Of Your Dreams expert today and explore how to set up your guaranteed income streams.

Consider when to activate Social Security, pensions, or other investment incomes to create a comprehensive plan tailored to your unique needs and goals.

Please be sure to secure your financial future before you begin your retirement.

Start planning now and unlock the power of guaranteed income for a worry-free retirement journey.

3. Safeguarding Your Retirement Against Medical Costs

In our ongoing conversation about securing a worry-free retirement, we must address a critical aspect: long-term care.

As we age, medical expenses become an ever-present reality, often with significant financial implications.

Recently, my family has been navigating a challenging situation involving my in-laws. We relocated them closer to us about a year ago to provide care.

Sadly, my father-in-law's health has declined rapidly, leading to increased medical bills, mainly due to dementia-related care needs.

While these costs are significant, they pale in comparison to the financial burden my mother-in-law faces.

Without adequate provisions for long-term care, these expenses can quickly unravel even the most well-crafted retirement plans.

Fortunately, when we designed their retirement strategy over a decade ago, we included provisions for enhanced payouts to cover medically necessary expenses.

This additional benefit has been invaluable, providing increased financial support precisely when it's needed most.

However, I recall my mother-in-law's initial hesitation about adding this benefit. Like many, she was concerned about the additional cost.

Yet, unlike traditional long-term care plans, ours doesn't operate on a "use it or lose it" basis.

It's a valuable addition that ensures financial security in times of need.

Statistics show that approximately 72% of individuals over 65 will require some form of long-term care.

So, you must include arrangements for covering medical expenses in your retirement plan.

As we craft your plan, we'll consider the stages of retirement:

• The "go-go" years of active living

• The "slow-go" years of physical decline


• The "no-go" years when medical assistance becomes necessary

Each phase requires careful planning to ensure financial stability and security.

Failure to address these needs can lead to financial hardship or reliance on Medicaid, a situation few wish to face.

By consulting with a Retirement Of Your Dreams expert, you can ensure that every aspect of your retirement plan is meticulously crafted, including provisions for medical expenses.

Don't wait until a medical crisis strikes.

Plan to protect yourself and your loved ones, ensuring a secure and comfortable retirement journey.

Let's sum up today’s video, “Crafting Your Worry-Free Retirement: Expert Strategies for Financial Security and Peace of Mind,” Part 3 of our 3-part series, including:

1. Securing Liquidity: Your Key To The Retirement Of Your Dreams

2. Unlocking the Power of Guaranteed Income

3. Safeguarding Your Retirement Against Medical Costs

If you missed Part 1, click HERE!

OR Part 2, click HERE!

Your retirement journey is a critical phase of your life that requires careful planning and strategic decision-making.

By implementing the expert strategies and insights in this video, you can take meaningful steps towards securing your financial future and enjoying a comfortable retirement.

I invite you to take the first step toward a secure and fulfilling retirement by scheduling your FREE Retirement of Your Dreams Call today by clicking HERE!

Let's craft a personalized plan tailored to your aspirations and goals.

This video ends the Money Market series, but please stay tuned for more valuable insights next week.

Plus, as we wrap up our series on securing the Retirement Of Your Dreams with Money Markets ...

... it's clear that meticulous planning and expert guidance are essential for a worry-free retirement journey.

The time to plan for your retirement is now!

Take action when a medical crisis strikes or financial challenges arise.

Please take proactive steps today to protect your future.

In the meantime, watch my Free Video to discover my 9-step Retirement Of Your Dreams™ Blueprint by clicking HERE!

Thank you for considering Retirement of Your Dreams as your partner on your financial journey!

Let me know what your BIGGEST takeaway from this week's video was. Share in the comments below!

I'm Jason Bergquist.

We’re dedicated to empowering you to LIVE the Retirement Of Your Dreams!

Jason Bergquist
Jason Bergquist

Jason Bergquist has worked in the financial services since the year 2000. Building a business, teaching and educating families has become his passion. “Empowering You To Create The Retirement Of Your Dreams!” Jason lives in Riverton, UT with his wife Stacey and their 5 kids.